THE PANTRY: Where we will provide non-perishable food items for individuals and Families, every Sunday, following the service.

Little City Church is a sister church of Ponce Church (Est. 2003) in Ponce Inlet, Florida, where since 2014, we have served over 60,000 meals to individuals and Families living in and around the city of Daytona Beach.


We look forward to serving the Community of Monongahela, PA., as Jesus said, “I was Hungry and you fed Me, thirsty and you gave me something to drink, naked and you gave me clothes, sick and you cared for me, in prison and you visited me…if YOU have done it to the least of these my brothers and sister, YOU have done it to Me. Matthew 25:31-46

Free Weekly Meals:

We will be serving Weekly Delicious Meals, Free to the Community of Monongahela, More Details Coming Soon.